Multiple award-winning wedding planner

Our recommended Wedding Venues in Tenerife
Wedding Venues
Q: How do we choose our wedding venue in Tenerife?
A: Finding the perfect venue can involve weighing various pros and cons. It's essential to consider your personal taste, budget, and the options available to you. Ultimately, it’s about exploring possibilities and being open to compromises that lead to the ideal setting for your event. You might ask, why compromises? Maybe there won't be any compromises, as a venue just clicks all the boxes. However, as there are several factors that have to come together, such as location, views, terms and conditions, menus, and price, it can be necessary to prioritise. It can also be that you choose to host your wedding over 2 venues. 1 for the ceremony because of, for example, the views, and the other due to the ceremony or closing time, menu, terms and conditions, price or something else. Dividing a wedding over 2 venues is not unusual; an example could be a church wedding, where you would always go somewhere else for dinner and a party afterwards. If this solution is relevant to you, we are happy to arrange the necessary coordination and transportation for you and your guests. Take the time to evaluate what matters most to you! Explore our selection of wedding venues in Tenerife, categorized into three sections: Hotel Wedding Venues, Unique Wedding Venues, and Beach Club Wedding Venues. Each offers a unique charm for your memorable celebration. Let us assist you in finding the perfect one for your special day. Just book a free video call, and we'll fill you in.
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Hotel Wedding Venues
Q: What are the general pros and cons of a hotel wedding venue?
A: Most 5-star hotels that offer facilities to host events are stunningly beautiful. As a hotel is a big facility with several different departments, employees, and considerations for other hotel guests, it can be very challenging for them to make changes to the timings, menus, and procedures. Obviously, the hotel will consider special requests and meet them if possible, but due to the other considerations, it can be difficult for them to make everything align with each other. ​ However, the hotels have made their wedding solutions as accommodating as possible. As they are experts in hospitality, it is also very possible that you will be happy as it stands or that they will meet minor adjustments. It's important to add that you and your guests usually don't have to stay at the hotel, where you host your wedding.​
Q: Do you offer all-inclusive packages for Hotel Weddings?
A: Yes to some hotels, maybe to others, and no to a few. Please see our selection of wedding packages. From the booking to the wedding, there could have been inflation and a change in the event or food and beverage manager, just as the hotels change their menu options regularly. Whether we can offer a hotel package to a hotel not listed depends on the hotel's willingness to commit to the circumstances at the time of the booking. These are very important issues to clarify before signing with the hotel. Another issue could be that the hotels undergo refurbishments from time to time, which could affect the planned running of the day and call upon different venue solutions than agreed. As general refurbishments create force Majeure in the contract, it will always be risky at any hotel worldwide. As we do not influence these matters, we have decided to limit our hotel packages and deal with the remaining hotels from booking to booking. However, we still offer our advisory services and the wedding extras regardless, which we will honour, and leave the hotel services to a contract between the couple and the hotel if we feel uncomfortable with the terms and conditions. We will always inform the couple of any potential issues and do our utmost to negotiate a favourable contract on behalf of the couples we assist.​
Unique Wedding Venues
Q: What the general pros & cons of a Unique Wedding Venue?
A: Unique wedding venues don't have to consider other guests as it is yours exclusively. This means there's more flexibility in the menu, running of the day and wedding extras. You can more or less personalise everything. Even though Tenerife is a small island, it can seem overwhelming to leave the familiar tourist areas to celebrate. Obviously, this could be taken into account when booking the holiday to minimize transportation time. We have venues 10-15 minutes away from the most popular tourist areas, and the worst-case scenario is if your holiday location and wedding venue are completely opposite, up to 1,5 hours of transportation time. We are happy to book and coordinate the transportation, just as quite a few of these venues also offer accommodation for the wedding night for a limited amount of people.​
Q: What does the blue and green dots mean in the overview?
A: The green dots are our Food and Beverage solutions, priced and listed on this website. The blue dots is the venues where we have to follow the venues menu and prices, due to their their terms and conditions. They either have their own kitchen or an exclusivity agreement an with external catering companies. ​
Q: Do you offer all-inclusive packages for Unique Weddings?
A: Yes, for the ones marked with a green dot. These follow our F&B options and prices listed on this website. No, for the ones marked with a blue dot, as they follow a different pricing strategy and have their own terms and conditions for payments and timelines. ​
Beach Club Wedding Venues
Q: What the general pros & cons of a Beach Club Wedding Venue?
The luxurious beach clubs in Tenerife are perfect with their amazing beachfront spots and international menus that cater to everyone. They have different terms and conditions. Some require everything to be prepaid, while others let you pay for food and drinks on your wedding day. Even though some of these venues can be quite spacious and offer partly privacy, you’ll usually have other guests nearby. In contrast to the hotels and the Unique wedding venues who provide you with more or full privacy. Definitely very good value for the money.
Q: Do you offer all-inclusive packages for Beach Club Weddings?
A: Yes, for the ones marked with a green dot. No, for the ones marked with a blue dot, as they have their own terms and conditions for payments and timelines. ​